Hyaku is created at Takahashi Shuzo, the rice shochu specialist, with the supervision of Nakazawa chef of Sushi-sho, Yotsuya, Tokyo, to be the ultimate rice shochu to be enjoyed with meals, especially with sushi. The low alcohol content of 23% brings out the umami in sushi and is best enjoyed straight to fully savor Hyaku’s umami. The raw ingredients are all from Kumamoto. Using ground water from the Kuma River which is one of the three most rapid streams in Japan and the rice, Mori no Kumasan, was ranked first by the Japan Grain inspection Association. Their expert brewer Fujimoto uses a special technique to make a shochu that is full of umami much like a sake.
#542 HYAKU SHOCHU, KOME 12/500ml. 6/750ML(50pf)